Oral Surgery in Bennington, VT

Safe and Comfortable Procedures

Sterile,Tools,Or,Medical,Instruments,For,A,Dentist,,Mirrors,,Tweezers,Sometimes, to best restore your oral health, you’ll need a surgical procedure. At Bennington Dental Center, we provide our patients with the highest-quality oral surgery treatments for wisdom teeth extractions and bone grafting. Learn more about our oral procedures and how our exceptional Bennington dentists can get your oral health back on track.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are an extra set of molars that usually erupt during your late teens. While there are some exceptions, most patients’ mouths don’t have enough space to accommodate the wisdom teeth. As a result, the vast majority of people need to have them removed. 


Some patients may experience impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause structural damage to the jaw and surrounding teeth. They can also provide a place for bacteria to gather since they are hard to reach and clean. It’s vital to get these teeth removed before they start to affect your health. Untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to oral infection and a misaligned bite, resulting in severe pain and other complications.

Extraction Site Preservation

Socket preservation uses either a collagen plug as a hole filler or a bone grafting procedure to preserve your jaw where your tooth was extracted. It’s essential to discuss with your dentist your options for filling the space that an extracted tooth leaves behind. If nothing is done with the extraction site, the jawbone will degenerate and change shape as you heal, causing your teeth to shift out of proper alignment. This can create problems in your bite and affect your ability to speak and chew.


At Bennington Dental Center, we offer a few options for patients who need to fill an empty space after tooth extraction. By discussing this beforehand, we can create a customized treatment plan, ensuring that you get proper, comprehensive dental care. We can fill this space with a dental implant or dental bridge, depending on your preferences and unique situation.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is the replacement or augmentation of missing parts of the jawbone or around the teeth. We typically use this to build up the jawbone to accommodate a dental implant or other restorative treatments. Bone grafting procedures can include packing the tooth socket with powered, granular bone graft material (called a socket graft, or ridge preservation) at the time of tooth extraction.


Post-Op Oral Surgery Care

The first few days or sometimes weeks after your oral surgery are the most crucial for a successful recovery. Our dental team will provide you with post-op instructions to ensure proper healing and avoid any complications. With the right care, our patients often experience a healthy recovery and can return to their normal activities a few days after surgery.


Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth) Extraction

Extracting wisdom teeth is a short surgical procedure that can be completed in one visit to our Rutland dentist. Dr. Carmack will make a small incision in your gums to access and remove your wisdom teeth all while ensuring your experience is as painless as possible. Our dentist will then apply stitches and gauze to promote healing and provide you with post-operative care instructions to help avoid complications.


Ridge Augmentation

For more severe cases of jawbone deterioration, Dr. Carmack may recommend a ridge augmentation. While this process is similar to bone grafting, ridge augmentation aims to reform and reshape your jawbone following a graft. Ridge augmentation procedures can also help recontour bone affected by degradation due to missing teeth.


Full-Arch Extractions and Rehabilitation

Removing teeth affected by decay or infection is important to your overall health. This also allows enough space to place a natural-looking restoration, typically supported by a dental implant. For severe cases of tooth decay or damage, full-arch extractions and rehabilitation can help. These procedures can rebuild your beautiful and functional smile and restore your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let Bennington Dental Center Restore Your Oral Health

We know that oral surgery can be daunting. That’s why at Bennington Dental Center, we utilize advanced technologies to ensure that your procedure is safe and comfortable. To learn more about our oral surgery options, call us at (802)-442-9500 or fill out our convenient online contact form.